“An Ambitious Project Worth the Investment” — A Recap of the Post-Tour Cocktail Party

On the evening of May 23 in Grenada, Hengsheng Group hosted a cocktail party with the theme "Syrian Friendship: Promoting Development" at the Grenada Silver Sands Hotel.

The event invited many Grenadian government officials such as Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Leo Cato, and the Minister of Finance Dennis Cornwall. Channel representatives from the investment migration industry from all over the world also attended the event.

With a relaxed, harmonious atmosphere, the cocktail party celebrated the sustainable development of Grenada's investment migration program amid a new era.




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Government endorsement, industry attention, multiple parties gathered to send positive signals

The theme of the cocktail party, "Syrian Friendship: Promoting Development" aims to enhance the global influence and popularity of the Grenada National Resort project through the national government and global channel partners, gather multiple forces to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the market, further promote the harmonious and sustainable development of project construction and marketing, and create a win-win situation for all the parties involved.




At the beginning of the party, Mr. Yuanfa Li, Chairman of Hengsheng Group, delivered a speech. On behalf of Hengsheng Group, he expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell and other government officials for their attendance and guidance of the project’s completion. He also sincerely welcomed the global marketing agents and partners who came to Grenada from around the world.

Mr. Li gave an update on the progress of the project site construction, as well as Hengsheng's global marketing layout and status to the guests.

"Since the launch of the project, we have maintained close and fruitful cooperation with the Grenada government and local communities. With the strong support and help from the government and all sectors of society, this project is not just a commercial investment — it carries the important mission of driving local economic development and improving tourism. We firmly believe that through our joint efforts and cooperation, the Grenada National Resort will become a new staple choice for global travel enthusiasts and bring more international attention and economic benefits to Grenada."

Afterwards, representatives of channel partners, the Minister of Finance, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives each expressed their views and opinions on the construction, marketing, and promotion of the Grenada National Resort project.




Ms. Lisa, a representative of one of Hengsheng Group’s channel partners, said:

"We have been working with Hengsheng Group for several years to promote the Grenada National Resort project. During the cooperation, I deeply felt the professionalism and dedication of the Hengsheng team. From the chairman down to every employee, each one is sincerely building and promoting the project. Whether it is sales, copywriting, or everyone else in other positions, they can provide professional and thoughtful services around the clock, which makes our channel partners worry-free in project promotion. On a certain day, I will bring back to Dubai what I saw, heard, thought, and thought in Grenada, and fully demonstrate to our investors the promising prospects of the Grenada National Tourism Resort project, the functional advantages of the Grenada passport, and the infinite charm of Grenada."




Grenada’s Minister of Finance Dennis Mr. Cornwall said:

"The Grenada government welcomes and fully supports the global promotion of Grenada's investment immigration program, and looks forward to the project gaining a larger market and providing sufficient financial support for Grenada's economic transformation and industrial optimization and upgrading; the government looks forward to further strengthening government-enterprise cooperation and working with Hengsheng Group to build the Grenada National Tourism Resort project into an international tourism benchmark project, making outstanding contributions to the development of the Grenada community and the improvement of people's welfare."




The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Leo Cato, said:

"The Grenada National Tourism Resort is a project that can bring positive development to the local community. It will to some extent change the flow of people from suburbs to towns to find jobs, so that people can achieve employment and generate income by staying in their hometowns."

Finally, Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell delivered a critical speech that elevated the enthusiasm of the cocktail party. The Prime Minister first welcomed and thanked the attendees, then expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Chairman of Hengsheng Group and his team for inviting so many guests to Grenada. The Prime Minister believes that the objective of Hengsheng Group's activities is not only to promote its own projects, but also to promote the entire Grenada citizenship by investment program, and to showcase and promote the entire country of Grenada.




"I welcome you again tonight and I am sure you will enjoy your time on the island. I know there are tours planned for the weekend and you can see for yourself the magnificent scenery in the picture behind me and the strength and ambition of Hengsheng Group. This is truly an extraordinary project, ambitious, innovative, and able to create a beautiful environment. When you arrive in St. Patrick, you will realize that it is one of the most spectacular areas in Grenada, so if I am not St. David, I would be delighted to be the MP for St. Patrick, firstly because of the beauty of the area, and secondly because of this extraordinary program.”

Then, the Prime Minister said the following on the prospects and challenges of marketing:

“Next, I want to talk about your role as an agent or conduit for investment migration, as you said, we basically rely on you to be able to tell the story of this program, the goals of this program, and even the goals of Grenada. So we are happy to discuss with you how we intend to maintain and enhance the reputation of Grenada’s CBI program. We recognize that like everything else, we do face more challenges. We sometimes receive complaints about processing times, and we intend to take additional measures to improve this without violating the original system of the CBI program.




We intend to fully automate and digitize the system through improved technology. As you may know, we expect to introduce some technology soon, which will simplify the application process to a single form instead of filling out multiple forms. We are also reviewing our processes. If certain steps in the process do not help further review or information integrity, we will remove them, but the premise is that we will not undermine the original system of the CBI program, because the reputation of the CBI program is a key factor in ensuring its success.”

Afterward, the Prime Minister acknowledged the challenges of executing Grenada’s CBI program in the midst of the global landscape:

“As you know, we face challenges and we have to give our attention to the concerns of our international partners and we are working with them in a transparent way to avoid any unnecessary reactions or market instability.



We can assure you that we will do everything we can to ensure that any changes we make in technology will be gradual and notified in advance so that everyone can adjust. So, I want to assure you that we are committed to ensuring that our processing is more efficient and we are absolutely committed to ensuring that the full compliance of the CBI program remains intact and ensures our success. Because obviously, on the one hand, there is the investment migration aspect, and on the other hand, there is the construction achievement itself, which is a major challenge.”




The Prime Minister concluded with a commendation of Chairman Yuanfa Li and the extension of support of the Grenadian government:

“I want to commend Mr. Li for taking on this ambitious project. Usuallym people look for easy projects, those close to the tourist centers. His choice was different. He chose to go all the way north and he presented a beautiful and ambitious scene. The ambition of the project matches the ambition of the region.

So, we as a government are committed to doing everything we can to support this project and ensure its success, and everyone can come back with us in 2027 to celebrate the extraordinary opening of the hotel.”


FOR US · FOR FUTURE: Cooperation for a Bright Future Ahead

The cocktail party was a momentous success, with guests speaking freely and lightly amid a warm, extraordinary atmosphere. It signified that the trust and cooperation between Hengsheng Group, the Grenada government, and global channel partners is moving to the next level with high hopes for the development prospects of the Grenada National Resort project, all with the vision that the Grenada investment migration industry is about to usher in a new chapter of vigorous development for the country.

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